OFSTED Feedback

The Learning Philosophy is the DNA of Activate Learning, creating a strong organisational culture.

Activate Learning was last visited by Ofsted inspectors in November 2022, and we were consequently graded Good overall and found to be making a strong contribution to identifying and meeting local skills needs.

Here is what Ofsted had to say about our Learning Philosophy and how we work with both our staff and students to deliver education to our learners:

"Leaders and senior managers, supported by governors, have successfully established their Empowering Learning Strategy. A key part of this strategy is their Learning Philosophy promoted across all courses and all college campuses; it is well understood by staff. Leaders have made significant investments in both their staff team and the physical resources to empower learning. Most staff recognise their role within the strategy and can explain how they are empowered and supported to do"

Safar Tabari, a GCSE English teacher with 16 years of experience at Activate Learning, highlights the importance of the learning philosophy. He stresses the need to incorporate brain, motivation, and emotions into teaching, making a significant impact on daily practice. Safar effectively applies this philosophy by using starter activities like quizzes and puzzles to engage students and ensure they are ready to learn.

He tailors activities to suit different student needs, providing support as necessary. Safar emphasises the importance of timely feedback, encouragement, and praise. Since the introduction of the learning philosophy, he has witnessed significant improvements in student behaviour, attitudes, and empowerment. Activate Learning's focus on student well-being creates a safe and suitable learning environment, allowing students to thrive and engage in their education effectively

Learners are ambitious and keen to do well on their courses. They work hard, and standards of work for most learners are high. Learners complete their work with pride, and most know what they need to do to achieve the grades they would like. For example, carpentry apprentices are highly motivated, aspire to achieve distinction grades, and their current work demonstrates that they can achieve highly. Ofsted, November 2022
Staff benefit from plentiful high-quality professional development, which helps them to be effective in their roles. For example, mentors support new teachers to understand their Learning Philosophy and hone their skills. More experienced staff members can apply to join a range of management development programmes relevant to their level of experience. This includes a specialist programme to encourage potential managers from black and minority ethnic backgrounds to develop their careers. Ofsted, November 2022