Smart laptop cabinets launch at Guildford College

We have launched new smart laptop cabinets (Lapsafe) to encourage staff and students to borrow these on one-day loans.

How can I borrow a laptop?

Lapsafe lockers at Guildford CollegeThe laptops are available from the Learning Environment in Guildford College. To borrow a laptop:

  • Swipe your ID card to open up the locker.
  • Collect the laptop, which must be returned the same day, before the Learning Environment closes.

The laptop will be tagged to the staff or student’s ID card and the borrower will be responsible for it until it is safely returned to the locker, with no damage.

Please refer to the terms and conditions of the loan (below) for more information, or read the notices displayed next to the Lapsafe cabinets.

Terms and conditions

  • Before you can borrow a laptop, please ensure you have signed into a photocopier once with your ID card. If signing in for the first time, please note that the system can take 5-10 minutes to update
  • Laptops MUST NOT be taken off campus
  • Laptop users are responsible for any loss or damage
  • Do not borrow a laptop for somebody else. You can only borrow it for yourself.
  • You must return the laptop to its locker no later than 15 minutes before the Learning Environment’s closing time
  • Once returned, please ensure the laptop is plugged into the charger and the locker door closed. If you don’t do this, the laptop will stay on your account and you will still be held responsible for it.
  • If you notice a technical problem with the laptop, please speak to a member of staff in the LE and log a ticket with the IT Service Desk immediately, so that we can look into any fault as a matter of urgency.

Lapsafe at other campuses

IT Services is piloting the Lapsafe technology at Guildford College. We will be monitoring usage and resources needed to manage this technology, before making a final decision on whether Lapsafe is extended to other campuses.

We currently anticipate that Lapsafe will be extended to Oxford and Reading in Spring 2022.