Passionate about Activate Learning’s mission to transform lives through its award-winning Learning Philosophy, Cheri’s role as Deputy Chief Executive encompasses responsibility for our curriculum. Furthermore, she has become the nominated individual for leading on behalf of Activate Learning in Ofsted inspections. She has also joined the Trust Board of Activate Learning Education Trust (ALET), which oversees our schools.
With over 25 years’ experience in the Further Education sector, Cheri has undertaken several different roles, including teacher, course leader, curriculum manager, Assistant Principal, Head of Campus, and Group Executive Director.
During 2019-20, Cheri led on the merger of the Surrey Colleges (Guildford College, Merrist Wood College, and Farnham College) into Activate Learning.
Cheri enjoys being part of a large group committed to transforming lives through education. During her employment at Activate Learning, Cheri has had ongoing opportunities to ‘learn on the job’; she is a champion of Activate Learning’s Philosophy and is delighted that the organisation continues to retain a strong focus on learners, learning, curriculum design and delivery.
In her spare time, Cheri enjoys several activities, including travelling (Asia being a particular area of interest), sailing, gardening, walking, and reading.